CSIO Supports Industry with New Marketing Resources Promoting Benefits of eSlips
(Toronto – October 21, 2019) CSIO has launched new consumer-facing marketing resources showcasing eSlips and My Proof of Insurance. The marketing material is meant to be used by CSIO members to educate their customers on the benefits of eSlips. The resources are available for download on CSIO.com, allowing insurance providers to then share them on their websites, social media channels, and/or in customer communications.
In recent months, several provinces have approved the use of eSlips and many brokers are faced with the challenge of explaining this new option to customers. Part of CSIO’s ongoing strategy to support the adoption of digital tools and technology is to offer marketing tools to the industry as consumers discover eSlips. The new promotional material gives insurance providers everything they need to explain and promote My Proof of Insurance to their customers, adding additional value to the client relationship.
Consumer-facing Marketing Resources
My Proof of Insurance resources include:
- Promotional videos: Sharable 30 second and 15 second video clips that use humour to illustrate why drivers may want to switch from paper to digital proof of auto insurance. The video plays on the notion of a glovebox ‘exploding’ with many of the everyday items drivers keep there.
- Short how-to video: A sharable 1-minute video explaining how My Proof of Insurance works, including mobile wallet features such as privacy and eSlip sharing with other drivers.
- MyProofofInsurance.ca website: The consumer-facing website has been refreshed with a new look, including the new video and updated FAQs. Customer-facing staff can direct customers to the website for additional information on eSlips.
- Marketing assets: A group of engaging visual materials members can leverage to promote eSlips. These marketing assets include various formats of the My Proof of Insurance logo, email signatures and social media-friendly graphics.
These materials are available in English and French.
“Consumers have heard about electronic proof of auto insurance, but have many questions on what exactly it means and how they can get it,” says Catherine Smola, President and CEO of CSIO. “Insurance providers can leverage these marketing resources to explain eSlips to customers, and also communicate all the benefits the My Proof of Insurance solution offers consumers in terms of ease, convenience and security.”
To find out more information on My Proof of Insurance, visit csio.com/eDelivery.
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About Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO)
CSIO is Canada’s industry association of property and casualty insurers, software providers and over 38,000 brokers. CSIO is committed to improving the consumer’s ease of doing business within the broker channel by overseeing the development, implementation and maintenance of technology standards and solutions such as My Proof of Insurance, eDocs, and eSignatures. In addition, CSIO operates the industry-owned mail network service, CSIOnet. CSIO maintains offices in Toronto and Montreal. For more information, visit csio.com.
For further information, please contact:
Sarina Visram, MBA, CIP | Director, Member Relations & Communications
110 Yonge Street, Suite 500 | Toronto, ON M5C 1T4
(416) 360-1773 x 2300 | 1 (800) 463-2746 x 2300
svisram@csio.com | www.csio.com