How to Maintain Service Excellence During Pandemic Measures
According to Travelers, only 30% of small businesses have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Any small business operating in these unprecedented times needs to be able to adapt to support their employees and customers.
Some tips to help you and your employees navigate this together:
1. Share why and how we can adjust to the current situation.
2. Identify any crucial gaps that make it difficult or impossible to work, and identify what are the most important tasks to complete.
3. Consider prevention strategies, such as customer and employee communications.
4. Document as much as possible so that when time allows, you can put together a robust BCP to protect your business and customers in the future.
Additionally, IT Weapons, a division of Konika Minolta, also has a great article on 5 Business Continuity Tips to Keep Users Safe and Productive in the Face of Disruption.
To learn more, join us for our upcoming Going Digital - Real World Learnings webinar with IT Weapons on April 7, where we discuss what Canadian businesses are doing to ramp up their digital capabilities, along with risks to beware of when working remotely.