Certification, Step By Step

Certify that your organization complies with CSIO Data Standards.

CSIO supports you throughout your certification journey. We’ll work with your technical, business and IT teams to ensure your application is complete or to identify potential issues.


For more information, contact certification@csio.com

API Security Standards - Insurers and Vendors

Implement CSIO's API Security Standards for safeguarding data and credentials.

Show that you've prevented all security concerns for your API services.


  • Confirmation of one of the recommended Open Id Connect (OIDC) Authentication methods used.
  • Confirmation of prevention of the 16 OAuth security concerns.
  • Confirmation of prevention of the 18 API endpoint concerns.

View the API Security Certification Document to learn more.

CL Data Standards – Insurers and Vendors

Three levels must be completed consecutively. Insurers and vendors complete Level I individually. Insurers and vendors team up to co-apply to complete Levels II and III.

  • Level I (Foundation) Criteria:
    • A self-assessment checklist. 
    • Provide evidence that the minimum data set has been programmed via screenshots or XML payload.
  • Level II (Verified) Criteria:
    • Provide real-time quote demonstration of test scenarios for specific industry codes.
    • Provide raw payloads of each test case (requests and responses). 
    • Signed certification letter by a senior officer of the organization.
  • Level III (Certified) Criteria:
    • Provide real-time quote demonstration of random industry codes for the segment of business your organization is applying for.
    • Provide raw payloads of each test case (requests and responses). 
    • Signed certification letter by a senior officer of the organization.

View the CL Implementation Guide to get started.

Resized CL levels
eDocs – Insurers and Vendors

Show your eDocs solution can pass all the scenarios in the Business Requirements and Certification Document. You must use CSIO XML Standards and your own platform and test environment.

Insurers and vendors can apply for Certification for each individual segment - Billing, Cancellation & Lapse, Policy Transaction, Underwriting, and Claims - or all at once. Certifications can be obtained for Personal and/or Commercial Lines.


  • Complete the application form in Section 4 of the Business Requirements and Certification Document.
  • Do a self-assessment, provide supporting documents, and demonstrate test use cases.

View the Business Requirements and Certification Document to learn more. 

For information on how to add a new eDoc code and description to the CSIO Standard, view the Maintenance Request process here. 

Compliance - Insurers

Eliminate Z-Codes (non-standard coverage codes) from your data exchange services with brokers. 

Map the Z-Codes to the CSIO Standard on your own or with help from CSIO experts to earn your certification. For more information on how to eliminate a Z-Code, view the Maintenance Request process here. 


  • Complete the Z-Code Free Attestation 
Email certification@csio.com for more information and to begin your certification process.