Please note that CSIO does not offer support for creating HTML templates. The following document is all you should need to start putting together your templates.

Also note that if you are using a custom template, you will need to set both a French and English template. Updates in one template will not be automatically reflected in the other language's template.

Below are the elements which can be used in an HTML template:

Element Tag Description


This field populates from your customer's name.
Including {{eslip.customerName}} in your templatewill mean that every email sent will be populated with that respective customer's name.


When sending an eSlip through or through the API, you can specify a salutation. EX) "Dear Customer"
This is a section for that salutation.


When sending an eSlip through or through the API, you can specify a Customized Message. This field is a section for that mesage


This field contains the logo of the carrier attached to the policy. In the default template, this logo is captured at the top-left of the email


This field contains the logo of the broker attached to the policy. In the default template, this logo is captured at the top-right of the email


This field populates the name of the carrier attached to the policy


This field populates the name of the brokerage attached to the policy


This field populates logo if exist or populates the name if the logo link is empty or broken.


Terms of Use and eSlips

If you are customizing your eSlips and Documents template, you must use the {{eslip.vehicles}} tag. If you are customizing your Documents Only template, use the {{doc.termsOfUse}} tag. Find the explanations below. As well, find the breakdown of elements within each tag, and the corresponding CSS classes of each element.

Tag Usage Explanation
{{eslip.vehicles}} eSlips and Documents template
  • Contains the Terms of Service for eSlips and document sending
  • Contains the eSlips
{{doc.termsOfUse}} Documents Only template
  • Contains the Terms of Service for document sending


CSS Classes that can be styled within each template's Terms of Service:


class="eslip-terms-of-use-table" in <table>
class="eslip-terms-of-use-row" in <tr>
class="eslip-terms-of-use-col" in <td>
class="eslip-terms-of-use-header" in <p>
class="eslip-terms-of-use-text" in <p>
class="eslip-accept-terms-header" in <p>
class="eslip-accept-terms-text" in <p>
class="eslip-android-text" in <p>
class="eslip-apple-text" in <p>
class="eslip-vehicle" in <div>

See below for the {{eslip.vehicles}} code-block:

 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="eslip-terms-of-use-table">
    <tr class="eslip-terms-of-use-row">
        <td class="eslip-terms-of-use-col">
            <p class="eslip-terms-of-use-header">${this.emailTemplate.termsOfUseHeaders[this.language]}</p>
            <p class="eslip-terms-of-use-text">${this.emailTemplate.termsOfUseTexts[this.language]}</p>
            <p class="eslip-accept-terms-header">${this.emailTemplate.acceptTerms[this.language]}</p>
            <p class="eslip-accept-terms-text">${this.emailTemplate.secondMessage[this.language]}}</p>
            <p class="eslip-android-text">${this.emailTemplate.androidString[this.language]}</p>
            <p class="eslip-apple-text">${this.emailTemplate.appleString[this.language]}</p>
            <div class="eslip-vehicle">
		        <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width: 360px; margin-bottom: 5px">
						<td style="height: 70px; min-height: 70px; padding: 10px 15px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 330px; word-wrap: break-word;">
							<span style="font-size: 18px;">${vehicle.year} ${vehicle.make} ${vehicle.model}</span> <br/>
							<span style="font-size: 14px;">${vehicle.vinNumber}<br/></span>
							<a style="text-decoration: none; href="${vehicle.PkpassUrl}">
								<img src="${this.displayButtonLogo[this.language]}" alt="${emailTemplate.buttonTexts[this.language]}" width="150" style="height:auto !important; max-height: 90px !important; width: auto !important; max-width: 150px !important; text-align: center !important;"/>


class="doc-terms-of-use-table" in <table>
class="doc-terms-of-use-row" in <tr>
class="doc-terms-of-use-col" in <td>
class="doc-terms-of-use-header" in <p>
class="doc-terms-of-use-text" in <p>
class="doc-accept-terms-header" in <p>

See below for the {{doc.termsOfUse}} code-block:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="doc-terms-of-use-table">
    <tr class="doc-terms-of-use-row">
        <td class="doc-terms-of-use-col">
            <p class="doc-terms-of-use-header">Terms of Use</p>
            <p class="doc-terms-of-use-text">You have selected to receive your insurance documents digitally. If
                        you choose to print the PDF file of your insurance documents, we recommend they are printed on
                        white paper, and clearly legible. If your documents contain a liability card for automobile
                        insurance, depending on your province/territory you may be required to carry a paper copy of
                        your proof of insurance. Please contact your insurance provider for all matters related to your
                        insurance policy, documents and coverage. By accepting digital documents you are agreeing to the
                        Terms of Use.</p>
            <p class="doc-accept-terms-header">I agree to the Terms of Use.</p>
            <p class="doc-accept-terms-text"></p>


Sample HTML Documents

Description File
Sample Template for eSlips and document sending Download
Sample Template for only document sending Download