Request My Proof of Insurance eDelivery Account

This name will appear on the front of customer eSlips. Recommended for best user experience – limit to 15 characters.
The address listed here will automatically appear on the back of eSlips sent to your customers – including those sent by your trading partners.

This logo will automatically appear in all emails sent to your customers – including those sent by your trading partners.
This will overwrite the company's logo.

One file only.
1.95 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.

This logo will automatically appear in all emails sent to your customers – including those sent by your trading partners.
This will overwrite the company's logo.

One file only.
1.95 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
On behalf of my organization, I have reviewed the terms of the agreement and find them acceptable.
By completing this MPOI registration form, I fully understand and assume the responsibility for services fees that will be invoiced to me by CSIO on an annual basis at the rate of $303.00 plus applicable taxes. (Note: The annual invoice will be sent via email to the billing contact mentioned above.)